🚀 Exclusive OfferExclusive time limited offer. Get your next job post featured for free.

Stop paying expensive recruitment fees or high fees on other job boards.

Register now to start posting jobs in minutes. Affordable post price and free to use the platform!

Simple workflow efficent results

Easy to use, simple to post, and free to manage

Sign up and post a job in minutes. Our platform is designed to be easy to use and simple to post. Our dashboard is built for ease of use and simplicity.

Edit and manage your job postings.
Manage your job postings with ease. Edit your jobs for free and delete them when you have filled the position.
Filter and search through applicants.
Filter Applicants by job, location, and more. Search through applicants to find the perfect candidate for your job.
View your job statistics
View your job statistics to see how many people have viewed your job and how many have applied.
Product screenshot

All-in-one platform for recruiting in Wales

Job.Cymru is the only job board in Wales that is dedicated to helping Welsh businesses find Welsh talent. Built for Welsh people by Welsh people.

Reach Qualified Candidates
Job.Cymru is the only job board in Wales that is dedicated to helping Welsh businesses find Welsh talent. Built for Welsh people by Welsh people.
Affordable and fair
Other job boards charge high fees to post jobs. We are here to change that. Our job posts are affordable and our platform is free to use.
Free Employer Portal
Manage your job postings and track applications through our comprehensive employer portal. No monthly fees or hidden costs.
Social Media Amplification
We amplify your job postings via our social media channels for increased visibility. We make sure your job gets seen by the right people.
Keep your candidates
Unlike LinkedIn, other employers or recruitment consultants cannot view your connections/application, ensuring your recruitment strategy remains confidential.
More features coming soon
Job.Cymru is a new and modern site we have many new and exciting features coming soon to make the Welsh hiring and job seeking experience better.